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Key information you need first when you come to Slovenia
Refugee health care
Information on obtaining temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine can be found here.
A call center has also been set up for more information.
A complete Slovenian health system navigation guide for migrant can be found here.
A leaflet of complete Slovenian health system navigation guide for migrant can be found here.
Mental health
Materials for mental health during COVID-19 pandemic
Psychosocial support
I can handle malaise – 10 ideas on how a young person can take care of their well-being
Thought redirection strategies
Relaxation techniques for adolescents
How parents can help adolescents in distress
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
10 sleep tips for children
Advice and support in mental distress for pregnant women and mothers of babies by video call

If you are pregnant or a mother of a baby and you’re feeling sad, worried or feel tightness in your chest, turn to our advice and support in mental distress. It’s free-of charge and confidential.
To set the date of the video call, please write in English to the e-mail address:
Available every working day from 7.00 AM to 9.00 AM or by prior arrangement.
Dr. Zalka Drglin is a consultant for perinatal distress with many years of experience. She works at the NIJZ as a researcher in the field of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and motherhood.
Infections with HIV, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus
Infections with HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) may present no signs and symptoms for several years, thus infected individuals are unaware of chronic infection and may eventually develop various life threatening conditions. Persons that were exposed to different risk factors for infection during their lifetime could get infected; HIV, HBV and HCV infections are particularly common in individuals with a high-risk behaviour. In Slovenia, the infected persons are managed according to the highest standards of care and all the recommended medications are available and accessible.
In Ukraine, HIV, HBV and HCV infections represent a considerable public health problem. In all persons with already known diagnosis of chronic HIV infection or/and chronic hepatitis B or/and chronic hepatitis C, the treatment that has been introduced in Ukraine should be continued in accordance to the clinical guidelines. In those who have so far been unaware of infection and potentially exposed to any risk factor, it is of utmost importance to actively screen for HIV, HBV and HCV and in case of confirmed infection offer an appropriate medical care.
To help displaced people from Ukraine detect any risk factors for getting infected with HIV, HBV or HCV, a person-friendly questionnaire was prepared. It is ment only for personal use as a guide based on personal responses for possible future actions, such as testing and acquiring appropriate medical care and treatment in case needed.
Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Illnesses, University Medical Centre Ljubljana
National Viral Hepatitis Expert Board
In order to protect public health, it is important that, in addition to the population of Slovenia, persons in accordance with Temporary Protection of Displaced Persons Act and Decree on the methods for ensuring the rights of persons with temporary protection are also vaccinated.
Click here to check the restrictions currently in force in Slovenia due to the COVID-19 epidemic.
More key information on COVID-19 vaccination and recommendation for hygiene measures can be found here.
The multilingual handbook for healthcare professionals can be found at the following link.