
Covid-19 Pandemic in Slovenia – Results of a panel online survey on the impact of the pandemic on life (SI-PANDA), 26th iteration

This is the final report, the report after the 26th SI-PANDA survey iteration. Since 4 December 2020, we have been presenting the results of the survey to experts and decision-makers, as well as to the media and the general public. This also implements the WHO recommendation that countries should regularly conduct qualitative and quantitative population surveys, which should be the basis for further action. It is undoubtedly an important and special period in our history, and with the SI-PANDA survey and the reports we published after each iteration, we wanted to shed light on how this period was lived and experienced by the people of Slovenia. The Latin proverb says "Littera scripta manet", what is written remains. The SI-PANDA research team has also followed this Latin saying in order to preserve at least some of the lessons and experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic for future generations.  

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