
COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN SLOVENIA Results of a panel online survey on the impact of the pandemic on life (SI-PANDA), 18-th wave

Pandemic fatigue is the expected and natural human response to long-lasting public health crisis that significantly affects the daily life of an individual. It appears gradually and is influenced by emotions, experience, and attitudes. It is a response to long-lasting and unsolved distress in people’s lives. The severity and the scope of COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of strict measures to prevent and limit the transmission of the infection have a huge impact on the daily lives of all people, including those not directly affected by the virus. Over time, people’s compensatory mechanisms for crisis management become fatigued and so these people lack motivation to follow recommended self-protective behaviours, and consequently jeopardize the effectiveness of measures to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection among the population.

Za dobro javno zdravje
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V porastu okužbe dihal, vključno z gripo

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Spremljanje okužb s SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19)

Nalezljive bolezni

Priporočila za potnike v države, kjer se pojavlja otroška paraliza
