Pharaon vabi vse zainteresirane, k oblikovanju manjših konzorcijev z največ tremi partnerji, da bi z naslednjimi ukrepi dopolnili in nadgradili proces razvoja ekosistema Pharaon:
- Razširitev zmogljivosti ekosistema Pharaon z novimi digitalnimi rešitvami in tehnologijami, ki obravnavajo enega ali več izzivov Pharaon.
- Razširiti doseg sistema Pharaon prek meja trenutnih pilotnih projektov z izvajanjem novih pilotnih projektov z lastnimi uporabniki, ki uporabljajo izbrane digitalne rešitve in tehnologije. Konzorciji bodo morali pritegniti nove uporabnike ter upravljati izvajanje pilotov.
- Dokazati, da orodja za interoperabilnost Pharaon zagotavljajo enostaven način uporabe, ki bo olajšal razvoj ekosistema Pharaon in s tem njegovo trajnost. To bo doseženo z integracijo vsake od izbranih digitalnih rešitev, ki so del Pharaon Hub, ter sodelujejo z vsaj eno od komponent Pharaon.
- Drugi javni razpis Pharaon bo financiral konzorcije do treh partnerjev, po možnosti z vsaj enim malim in srednje velikim podjetjem (MSP), z razvitimi digitalnimi rešitvami, ki obravnavajo enega ali več izzivov Pharaon.
- Vsak konzorcij bo moral svojo rešitev prilagoditi za integracijo z ekosistemom Pharaon z uporabo Pharaon Hub in bo moral izvesti manjši pilotni projekt, ki bo validiral rešitev in njeno integracijo s Pharaonom v realnih scenarijih.
Znesek, namenjen financiranju podprojektov v okviru tega javnega razpisa, znaša 2.500.000 EUR. Najvišji upravičeni znesek za uspešno izbran posamezen konzorcij je 200.000 EUR. Pričakuje se, da bo na tem javnem razpisu financiranih do 15 podprojektov.
Prijavijo se lahko vsi subjekti, registrirani v državi članici EU ali pridruženi državi programa Obzorje 2020.
Rok za oddajo vlog je 30. september 2023
Vse informacije so na voljo na spletni strani Pharaon.
Pharaon 2nd open call
The Pharaon Project, co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857188, will offer financial support to third parties through an open call for contributions to the project.
Pharaon’s inviting small consortia of up to three partners to complete and complement the evolution process of the Pharaon Ecosystem through the following specific actions:
- To expand the capabilities of the Pharaon ecosystem by bringing new digital solutions and technologies that address one or more of the Pharaon Challenges
- To extend the reach of Pharaon beyond the boundaries of the current pilots by implementing new pilots with their own users that validate the selected digital solutions and technologies. The consortia will have to bring the new users and manage the pilot implementation and follow up.
- To demonstrate that the Pharaon interoperability tools provide a robust and easy-to-use framework that will facilitate Pharaon ecosystem evolution and thus its sustainability. This will be achieved through the integration of each of the selected digital solutions with the Pharaon Hub and its interoperation with at least one of the Pharaon components.
- The Second Pharaon Open Call will fund consortia of up to three partners, preferably with at least one SME, with mature, digital solutions that address one or more of the Pharaon Challenges.
Each consortium will have to adapt its solution for integration with Pharaon ecosystem through the use of the Pharaon Hub and will have to carry out a small pilot that validates the solution and its Pharaon integration in real world scenarios.
The maximum budget earmarked for the financing of projects under this Open Call is EUR 2.500.000 €. The maximum eligible sub-grant amount is 200.000 € per action. This open call is expected to fund up to 15 third party projects.
All entities registered in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country are eligible to apply.
Deadline for submission is 30 September 2023
All information can be found on the Pharaon website.