
The NIJZ website is a source of data and information that informs decision-making and action by individuals, professionals and health policy.




Kick-off meeting of the new European project EUROHELICAN

The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) organized the “Kick-off” meeting of the new European project EUROHELICAN – Accelerating gastric cancer reduction in Europe through Helicobacter pylori eradication. The general objective of the EUROHELICAN project is to assess the feasibility of population-based Helicobacter pylori test- and treat strategy for gastric cancer prevention in Europe. In […]

Communicable diseases

Mpox (Monkeypox)

Mpox virus can be transmitted to humans by contact with an infected animal (most commonly rodents or primates) or an infected human, or by human body fluids containing the virus. Human-to-human transmission can also be drip-borne. The infection spreads between people who are in close contact with each other.


Project activities

We are actively involved in more than 90 Slovenian and international projects covering various areas of health and general public health problems.

Communicable diseases

Diarrhoea and vomiting as a result of a gastrointestinal infection

Gastrointestinal infections are manifested by indigestion or nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, and may also cause fever.

Communicable diseases

HPV infection, cervical cancer and HPV vaccination

Frequently asked questions

Communicable diseases

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections occur in autumn and winter, and in some seasons even in the spring months. RSV is the most common cause of acute bronchiolitis in young children, but causes milder colds in older children and adults. The start of RSV circulation can only be detected if respiratory infections are tested for […]

Communicable diseases


Communicable diseases


Tetanus, or tetanus fever, is a disease caused by the neurotoxin Clostridium tetani, whose spores can be present in the soil due to animal faeces.

Communicable diseases


Legionellosis is caused by bacteria found in natural aquatic environments such as rivers, lakes and other standing water. The number of bacteria in natural environments is small, so natural environments are usually not a source of infection for humans.

Communicable diseases


Leptospirosis is a zoonosis that is widespread worldwide. It is a zoonosis because it is a disease of wild and domestic animals that excrete the causative agent in the urine. Humans become infected through direct or indirect contact with an infected animal or its excreta.

Communicable diseases

Hepatitis B (Viral hepatitis B)

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes inflammation of the liver. The infection is most commonly transmitted by exposure to infected blood and by sexual contact with an infected person, but can also be passed from an infected mother to her new-born baby. Vaccination can protect against infection.

Communicable diseases

Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter infections)

It is an intestinal infectious disease caused by Campylobacter bacteria. It is widespread worldwide. It is the most common zoonosis in EU countries.

Communicable diseases

Lyme disease

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria that are widespread in Europe, North America and parts of Asia. The bacteria are transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick.

Communicable diseases

Suppurative meningitis

Suppurative meningitis is an acute, life-threatening disease. It is caused by a number of bacteria that invade the meninges. 95% of suppurative meningitis is caused by meningococci, pneumococci and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).

Communicable diseases

Fifth disease (Erythema Infectiosum)

Fifth disease (Erythema Infectiosum) is usually a mild rash. It most often affects young children, schoolchildren and rarely individual adults. Individual cases occur in small outbreaks throughout the year, with epidemics usually every 3 to 7 years, mainly in winter and spring.

Communicable diseases

Zika virus

Zika virus is a flavivirus that is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes mosquito. The same species of mosquito also transmits other infectious diseases such as dengue and chikungunya.

For better public health
Communicable diseases

Yellow fever

Illicit drugs

I have problems with the use of illicit drugs. Where to get help?


Project activities

