
The NIJZ website is a source of data and information that informs decision-making and action by individuals, professionals and health policy.



Communicable diseases


Influenza (flu) is an acute viral respiratory illness that spreads very quickly. It occurs mainly during the winter months in the northern hemisphere and threatens the entire population, especially the elderly, people with chronic heart, lung, metabolic and other diseases, and young children.

Communicable diseases

Salmonellosis (Salmonella infections)

It is an intestinal infectious disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. It is spread worldwide.

Communicable diseases

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a childhood infectious disease caused by Group A Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS – Group A Streptococci).

Communicable diseases


Erysipelas is an acute streptococcal inflammation of the skin, most commonly caused by infection with Group A Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS – Group A Streptococci).

Communicable diseases

Necrotising fasciitis

Necrotising fasciitis is a severe, rapidly progressing, and invasive soft tissue infection caused by bacteria, most commonly Streptococcus pyogenes, Group A streptococci (GAS).

Communicable diseases

Avian influenza A(H5N1)

Avian influenza is cause by highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A(H5N1).

Communicable diseases

Cat scratch disease – Bartonella henselae

Cat scratch disease is a bacterial infection caused by Bartonella henselae. Cat scratch disease is transmitted by cats that have contracted the bacterium through flea droppings.

Communicable diseases


In China, several cases of pneumonia were detected in December 2019 and infection with a new coronavirus was confirmed. They named it SARS-CoV-2 and the disease caused by the virus COVID-19.

Communicable diseases

Shingles or herpes zoster

Shingles, or herpes zoster, is caused by the same virus that most children get when they get chickenpox in childhood. This otherwise harmless virus waits for a second chance, safely hidden in the sensory ganglia of the spinal cord, where it can lie dormant for life. Reawakened, it can cause 10% to 30% of the […]

Communicable diseases


Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral fever. It occurs in tropical and subtropical parts of the world, mainly in urban areas of Africa, Central and South America, Southeast Asia, the eastern Mediterranean and the western Pacific.

Communicable diseases

Hand, foot and mouth disease – recommendations for kindergartens and schools

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common viral illness among children. Adults can also get sick. The disease is usually mild and most cases do not require hospitalisation. Rarely, more severe forms of the disease may occur.

Communicable diseases

Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E is a viral inflammation of the liver that is very similar to viral hepatitis A. It can occur without obvious signs in the gastrointestinal tract. The disease occurs in the liver and the main symptom is jaundice, which is known as jaundice of the skin and mucous membranes.


Achieving good energy without energy drinks

This week, the National Institute of Public Health, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and a number of other professional, sports and youth organisations, is continuing its awareness campaign “Achieving good energy without energy drinks” to remind people that these drinks are not suitable for children and young people. They need a balanced diet, […]

Communicable diseases

Tularemia (rabbit fever)

It is a zoonosis whose causative agent is transmitted from animals to humans. It is rarely reported in Slovenia: between 2004 and 2013, we received up to four notifications per year, or a ten-year average of 1.3 notifications. The disease is also rare in EU countries, occurring more frequently in (older) men.


NIJZ supports the measures in the proposed amendments to the Restriction on the Use of Tobacco Products and Related Products Act (ZOUTPI)

Illicit drugs

Alarming trends in the use of psychoactive substances among adolescents

The World Health Organization’s report for the European Region on the findings of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) international survey reveals a concerning situation regarding the use of psychoactive substances among adolescents in Europe, Central Asia, and Canada.

For better public health
Communicable diseases

Yellow fever

Illicit drugs

I have problems with the use of illicit drugs. Where to get help?


Project activities

