Extended data space EHR@EU for primary use

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Official website: https://www.xt-ehr.eu/

Project Description:

The Extended Electronic Health Record (Xt-EHR) Joint Action supports the Commission’s policy priority for “A Europe fit for the digital age” by implementing the EU4Health Programme’s general objective of strengthening health systems”. This project will enhance the cooperation among Member States (MS) regarding the interoperability and exchange of healthcare data, contribute to the preparation of the foundations for the improved primary use of electronic health data, the upcoming new regulation for the European Health Data Space (EHDS), and empower individuals to control their health data. The Xt-EHR proposal will prepare implementation guides, technical specifications, and a conformity assessment framework for the adoption of the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF), at a European Level. Through Xt-EHR, the interoperability and cross-border exchange of different types of health data will be promoted by proposing the necessary implementation guidelines for the implementation of new services that will complement the MyHealth@EU initiative. The necessary integration profiles of EHRs in the European market will be defined for improving the coordination of MS joint efforts towards interoperability in the EHDS proposal for primary use of health data. The ultimate goal through these actions is the formation of the European Health Union.

Phases of the project and their implementation:

The work will be conducted in 6 work packages (WP).

WP 1 – Ensures effective project management. Timely and accurate financial management and reporting. Proactive monitoring of contractual obligations under the grant agreement and consortium agreements. Internal communication between partners and DP managers. Close cooperation with the European Commission, the e-Health network and other relevant joint actions or projects of the e-Health network and regular cooperation with member states;

WP 2 – This work package aims to strengthen the two-way dialogue between the project and the main stakeholders of the project and between the project partners themselves. The main objective of the dissemination activity is to inform the MS community about JA, its direction and available results for further use. They will strive to create strong awareness of the project, develop and implement a communication, dissemination and engagement plan to maximize impact, and intensive networking that builds partnerships.

WP 3 – The key objective of this package is to assess and monitor whether the project is being implemented according to plans and achieving the set goals. It is necessary to define the procedures and methods that the consortium will use to monitor the implementation of the joint action, its results and outcomes, in a concrete format. Assess whether project processes are proceeding according to plan, as measured by key performance indicators (KPIs). Finally, it is necessary to investigate the impact of JA activities on EHDS through targeted interviews.

WP 4 – This work package will focus on the important cross-sectoral aspects of health data interoperability that will ensure the long-term sustainability of the EHDS environment and current and future cross-border services to support the implementation of the EHDS Regulation. Therefore, the tasks and results will be linked to the relevant parts of the EHDS Regulation, focusing on implementation challenges and sustainability.

WP 5 – This part will describe the general requirements for EHR systems. Requirements and specifications for EHR systems will be developed, as well as the requirements and specifications for the interfaces of enabling national, regional and cross-border connectivity. User experience requirements for proper use by interested stakeholders will also be defined.

WP 6 – This package focuses on further development of the existing MyHealth@EU services – Patient Summary, electronic prescription and electronic dispensation. Building on existing guidelines, requirements and specifications for interoperability will be provided with the aim of supporting deployment in Member States and enhancing  cross-border exchange.

WP 7 – Here we  focus on new priority categories f EHR – hospital discharge reports, laboratory reports and medical images and reports. Guidelines and specifications for implementation will be provided, with the aim to support implementation of hospital discharge reports, laboratory reports and medical images and reports, and enable their secure exchange across EU.

Expected Results and Material:

Guidelines and specifications for implementation of primary use of electronic health data in conformance with the EHDS regulation. These documents will be starting point for the upcoming implementing regulations.


Project Duration: 1st of November 2023 – 30th of April 2026.


Project partners: The consortium (https://www.xt-ehr.eu/partners)consists of 50 organizations from different European countries (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Portugal, Greece, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Latvia).

Funding: The project is co-financed with EU funds through the EU4Health program within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement, no. 101128085


Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the body that co-finances the campaign can be held responsible for them.

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