Transforming Health and Care Systems

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Project Title: THCS – Transforming Health and Care Systems

Official Website of the Project:

Project Description

The European Partnership for Transformation of Health and Care Systems will allow funding research on topics such as the organisation of health and care systems, people-centred and population-centred care, quality of care and patient safety, management and funding, access to and use of data, health workforce planning, delegation, digitalisation, etc. All participating countries will work together to identify key priorities and actions that will also guide the content of the annual calls for research.

Added Value

The partnership includes 62 organisations from 25 countries. In addition to the Ministry of Health, registered partners from Slovenia are the Government Service for Digital Transformation and the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ). The project will run until 2030 and will be implemented through three main work streams: 1) closing knowledge gaps through research actions aimed at providing the necessary evidence, 2) implementing and transferring existing solutions and their adaptability in different national and regional contexts, and 3) promoting health care systems through dedicated activities such as capacity building and training, study visits, technical assistance, cooperation, networking. The activities are organised in ten work packages.

Expected Results and Materials

Launching activities on 1 January 2023.

Project Duration: 1 January 2023–31 December 2029

Supporting Organisation: Ministry of Health, Italy

Project Partners: 62 partners, including National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)

Funding: Horizon Europe (European Union)

For better public health
Communicable diseases

Yellow fever

Illicit drugs

I have problems with the use of illicit drugs. Where to get help?


Project activities

