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Nuška Čakš Jager

“The TERROR Joint Action is a joint effort by European countries to improve health preparedness and cross-sectoral cooperation in the event of biological or chemical terrorist events.”

Nuška Čakš Jager, Project Manager at NIJZ

Project Title: TERROR Joint Action

Project Description

The TERROR Joint Action, launched in May 2021, brings together 23 partners from 17 EU Member States. The main objectives of the project are preparedness and response planning for biological and chemical events, risk detection and risk assessment for terrorist attacks, integration of public health, security services and civil protection, diagnosis and treatment of biological and chemical threats, implementation of non-pharmacological preventive measures, prevention of threats to critical public functions and services, prevention of migration and economic losses, crisis communication, rapid exchange of information and mutual consultation in Europe.

Added Value

The project will make an important contribution to cross-sectoral links between the health and security sectors and civil protection. The identification of good practices and examples of systems and mechanisms for cross-sectoral cooperation will improve cooperation between sectors at operational and strategic level. The results of the project will include the renewal of clinical and non-pharmaceutical management guidelines, risk communication guidelines and crisis communication of new risk assessments for assets posing new threats.

Project Results and Materials

The materials and results of the project are available at https://www.jaterror.eu/.

Project Duration: 1 January 2021–31 December 2023

Supporting Organisation: Norwegian Directorate of Health, Norway

Project Partner: National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)

Funding: The Joint Action Project (TERROR JA) was co-financed by the European Union, the HaDEA Agency, under the Third Health Programme (2014–2020).

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