TOwards imProved screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer in Eastern-Europe: Equitable, Actionable, Sustainable and Trustworthy

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Project Description

Due to the high visibility and good results of the EUTOPIA project (Horizon 2020), the Dutch partners decided to apply for a continuation of the project, which will mainly target the countries of Eastern Europe. Since Slovenia participated in the EUTOPIA project as a model country, we were once again invited to participate. As part of the new EUTOPIA EAST project, Eastern European sample countries will go through the whole cycle of the EUTOPIA project, with additional emphasis on the implementation of certain components of the organised cancer screening programme in three selected sample countries (Montenegro – Colorectal Cancer Screening, Georgia – Breast Cancer Screening, Romania – Cervical Cancer Screening).

The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) has extensive experience in the implementation and management of the screening programme for early detection of colorectal cancer (Svit Programme) which makes it a crucial partner for the project.

NIJZ will be involved in the implementation of screening for colorectal cancer in Montenegro: identifying obstacles to the implementation of the programme; identifying stakeholders who could help remove barriers or identify those who cause them; when drawing up an action plan to remove obstacles; when preparing a plan for the implementation of the programme; when creating a set of data to be collected in the register of screening programmes; assisting in the development of expert guidelines; presentation of communication and promotional experiences.

Added Value

Strengthening the reputation of the international professional public and sharing experience in the field of colorectal cancer screening.

Establishment of international professional links.

Expected Results and Materials

10 January 2022: Colleagues from Italy prepared comments and proposals to supplement tables and protocols for the collection of data on the implementation of screening and colonoscopy in Montenegro.

10 April 2022: Remote meeting of the Consortium Participating States. Presentation of progress with Miscan modelling tool for Montenegro – screening for RMSD, Romania – cervical cancer screening, Georgia – breast cancer screening. Coordinate the programme for the consortium meeting planned for 9-10 June 2022 in Montenegro.

17–19 May 2022: Open Days of Slovenian Cancer Screening Programmes. Presentation of the programmes DORA, ZORA and Svit to foreign participants of the meeting. Presentation of screening programmes from Romania, Montenegro, Croatia and the Netherlands.

9–10 June 2022: Meeting of the Consortium of Participating States in Budva, Montenegro. Presentation of the results of modelling with Miscan, analysis of barriers to performing screening and data analysis for Montenegro – screening for RMSD, Romania – cervical cancer screening, Georgia – breast cancer screening. NIJZ presented Slovenian solutions in the management of screening programmes and legislative solutions. In preparing the presentation, we cooperated with the Svit, ZORA and DORA programmes.

10 February 2023: Remote meeting of the Consortium States. Overview of the activities carried out: plans for further work, monitoring of performed screening procedures, modelling of different screening scenarios, implementation of programmes for breast cancer screening, RTD and cervical screening.

Throughout the implementation of the project in 2022, we reviewed the literature on the subject of the project and the working versions of the documents.

Project Duration: 1 May 2021–30 April 2026

Supporting Organisation: ERASMUS MC

Project Partner: National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)

Funding: DG Research and Innovation

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