Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infection

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Project Description:

In the four-year European integration project EU JAMRAI-2 on joint action of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs), which started on 1. 1. 2024, the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) participates as a partner in work packages (WP) WP 2, WP 3, WP 4, WP 5, WP 7, WP 8, WP 9 and WP 10.

The collaboration will aim to stimulate behavioural change at the individual and community level to address the pressing issue of AMR in a “One Health” context, taking into account the prevention and control of AMR in humans, animals and the environment. The EU JAMRAI-2 will bring together participating partners and different organisations that contribute to addressing AMR. It will build on existing initiatives and propose concrete measures to strengthen the implementation of evidence-based effective measures to reduce the burden of AMR and will contribute to the benefit of public health.

Phases of the project and their implementation:

Participation in the Kick-off meeting held in Paris on February 13, 2024.

Added Value:

  1. Upgrade the national action plan for the management of AMR with well-defined indicators and targets (including support for the establishment of the national “One Health” coordinating and monitoring mechanism at the decision-making level).
  2. Upgrading the existing systems for monitoring AMR, consumption of antimicrobial drugs, the occurrence of HCAIs at the NIJZ, and the establishment of a system for monitoring the incidence of multi-resistant microorganisms with alerts for clusters and outbreaks for rapid response.
  3. Integrating the above-mentioned monitoring systems in the context of human, veterinary and environmental health (“One Health”).
  4. Expansion of infection control practices in health care from the hospital level to the level of social care institutions.
  5. Increased public awareness (professional and lay) about the issue of AMR regarding antimicrobial drugs.

Expected Results and Material:

EU JAMRAI-2 will aim to implement concrete measures to monitor, prevent and effectively address AMR in the areas of human, animal and environmental health, empowering participating countries to strengthen their national action plans. The mission is to reduce the risk of exposure of European citizens to antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. This includes promoting integrated surveillance and strengthening infection prevention through the “One Health” approach, while improving the care of patients with bacterial infections, for example ensuring access to effective and proportionate antibiotic treatment.

More than 120 partners from 30 countries, supported by around 40 stakeholders, will actively participate in this joint action. European organizations such as the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Food Safety Agency (EMA) and some other international organizations will, with their expertise enrich the discussion with knowledge and ensure the coherence of joint action with existing initiatives. In addition, human and animal health experts and patient representatives are an integral part of this joint initiative.

Project Duration: 1. 1. 2024 – 31. 12. 2027.

Supporting Organisation: L’Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm), France.

Project partners: More than 120 partners from 30 countries supported by around 40 stakeholders. European organizations such as the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Food Safety Agency (EMA) and some other international organizations. From Slovenia, in addition to NIJZ, the National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food (NLZOH), University Clinical Center Ljubljana (UKC LJ) and University Clinical Center Maribor (UKC MB) also participate as associated partners.

Funding: European Commission, EU4Health Programme (EU4H), Grant Agreement No. 101127787. Co-funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia.

pasica z logotipi projecta EU-JAMRAI 2, Evropske unije in Ministrstva za zdravje
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