



Illicit drugs

I have problems with the use of illicit drugs. Where to get help?

In Slovenia, a network of sources of help has been developed over the years in the field of treatment of drug users, which are accessible within the health care system and through harm reduction programs in the field of drugs and homelessness. The list of providers includes information on health and social services for people […]


Health experts oppose legalisation and deregulation of cannabis for personal use

Many health professionals, who face the consequences of cannabis (mis)use on a daily basis, firmly oppose any legalisation or deregulation of cannabis for personal use. Ahead of the referendum on the use of cannabis for personal use, experts warn that the legalisation of cannabis carries significant risks for the health of individuals and society as […]

Mental health

The “To sem jaz” youth mental health programme is an international example of good practice recognized by the OECD

Illicit drugs

Alarming trends in the use of psychoactive substances among adolescents

The World Health Organization’s report for the European Region on the findings of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) international survey reveals a concerning situation regarding the use of psychoactive substances among adolescents in Europe, Central Asia, and Canada.


NIJZ supports the measures in the proposed amendments to the Restriction on the Use of Tobacco Products and Related Products Act (ZOUTPI)


Achieving good energy without energy drinks

This week, the National Institute of Public Health, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and a number of other professional, sports and youth organisations, is continuing its awareness campaign “Achieving good energy without energy drinks” to remind people that these drinks are not suitable for children and young people. They need a balanced diet, […]

For better public health
Communicable diseases

Yellow fever

Illicit drugs

I have problems with the use of illicit drugs. Where to get help?


Project activities

