Joint Action on Contribution to the Cancer Inequalities Registry to Monitor National Cancer Control Policies

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“For the successful cancer control, we need coordinated approaches in various key areas that are crucial for the issue of cancer. Such approaches are best combined in EU Member States national cancer control programmes, which will be analyzed. Special emphasis will be placed on the adoption of the priorities referred to by the European’s Beating Cancer Plan, especially on the topic of inequalities. The objective is always the same – to improve the quality of healthcare and cancer management for the benefit of all cancer patients, their caregivers, cancer professionals and society as a whole.”

Assist. Prof. Tit Albreht, MD, PhD

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Description of the Joint Action

OriON Joint Action was proposed for funding as a response to a flagship initiative No. 9 of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP), which stipulates that the European Commission will establish a Cancer Inequalities Registry in order to identify trends, disparities and inequalities in cancer prevention and health care between European Member States and regions. A consolidated view of the national cancer control landscape across the EU and resulting inequalities will assist in targeting investments and interventions in European Union (EU) at national and regional levels. This should reduce measurable disparities in cancer prevention and care across the EU. OriON Joint Action has three general objectives (monitoring the uptake and implementation of the EBCP in European Member States, piloting the EBCP Monitoring & Evaluation framework and maximizing the impact of the knowledge and evidence generated by EBCP) and two specific objectives (support the monitoring and analysis of the implementation of EBCP and carrying out an analysis of the state-of-play of National Cancer Control Programmes with a special focus on inequalities).

Benefits of the OriON JA for Slovenia

  1. A model will be developed that will enable quality support for the monitoring of the introduction of priority areas of EBCP in Slovenia through the use of best practices in the field of cancer control in Europe.
  2. A proposal of good practices that Slovenia can use for priority tasks in the field of cancer inequality will be developed.
  3. Slovenia will lead the creation of a data set model and indicators for the evaluation of the introduction of individual measures in the field of cancer control.

Lessons learned, the results of the pilot project and the creation of a set of data and indicators will enable Slovenia to better prepare priority tasks in the area of ​​reducing disparities in cancer.

Work Packages of the OriON JA

This JA is divided into 5 Work Packages:

WP1 – Coordination

WP2 – Dissemination

WP3 – Evaluation

WP4 – Sustainability and implementation – support to the monitoring and analysis of the implementation of EBCP

WP5 – Analysis of the developments in NCCPs

Added value

Slovenia will be one of the three countries in which the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) framework will be piloted in the study (Belgium, Italy, Slovenia) – the used and tested model will be proposed for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the introduction of the EBCP in Member States during the entire duration of its validity.

Expected results and materials

  • Improve the joint capacity of Member States to plan and implement policies and interventions to prevent cancer and other non-communicable diseases at national, regional and local levels.
  • Improve the data and monitoring system of cancer and other non-communicable diseases and their common risk factors.
  • Contribute to the reduction of social inequalities in cancer and other non-communicable diseases.
  • Collaborate with and support key actors in the field of cancer and other non-communicable disease prevention, including decision-makers at all levels, civil society organizations, professionals, general population and patient groups to facilitate collaboration and joint efforts.

Duration of the project: from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.

Leading organization: National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia.

Project partners: The consortium brings together 23 organizations from 17 countries (Slovenia, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden).

Funding: European Commission, EU4Health Program (EU4H) within the framework of Agreement no. 101127673. Co-funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia.

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Photo(s) from events:

Uvodni sestanek projekta skupnega ukrepa OriON (18.1.2024, Bruselj)

Picture 1: Kick-off meeting of the OriON Joint Action (18.1.2024, Brussels)

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