JA transfer of best practices in primary care

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pasica z logotipi projekta circe-ja, evropske unije in ministrstva za zdravje

Official website:

Project Description:

CIRCE-JA will effectively transfer and implement 6 selected best practices (BPs) in primary health care among European Member States (MS), supported by scientific evidence-based methodology, raising MS capacity in implementing innovative care models and addressing health system transformation at this level of care. Moreover, knowledge transfer and twinning actions will support the transferring and implementation process, including a wide range of activities, such as workshops, staff visits and secondments, policy dialogues, expert advice, mutual and peer learning programmes. The transferring and implementation process will be monitored and assessed. Knowledge will be generated and shared addressing the main elements and recommendations for its success beyond the duration of the JA.

CIRCE-JA ambition looks forward to effectively transfer (implement, validate and sustain) the 6 BPs from 4 MS (Belgium, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain) to 45 implementation sites from 12 MS with relevant structural, organizational and institutional differences in their health care systems. The common transversal interest is to strengthening health care systems through reinforcing primary health care.

14 EU Member States are involved in CIRCE-JA. Beneficiaries and affiliated entities (AE) represent European healthcare systems and services directly connected to the overall aim of this JA, being BPs owners or implementers.

Phases of the project and their implementation:

The Project includes 7 Work packages and 49 pilots in 14 EU member states.

Participation at the Kick-off meeting held in Sevilla on March 6 and 7 2023.

Participation at the Kick-off meeting of WP7 held in Vienna on October 19 and 20 2023.

Participation at the 1st Consortium meering of the CIRCE-JA held in Warsaw on March 21 and 22 2024.

During the first year of the project the partners developed methodology on measuring and follow-up of successability of transferring best practices in other health care systems, methodology of context analysis, methodology of building capacity and training programmes.

During the second and third year of the project the partners will implement best practices.

Added Value:

Transfer of best practice of health promotion centres and preventive programmes from Slovenia to other implementing sites and countries. Transfer of best practice Personalized care plans from Spain to Slovenia. Development of a methodology for the transfer of best practices between different healthcare systems. Development of performance indicators for the implementation of best practices on prevention of chronic diseases and integrated care at the primary level. Establishment of an international forum of primary health care in the EU.

Expected Results and Material:

  • Efficient and effective transfer of 6 best practices in primary care at the implementation sites.
  • Analysis of facilitating factors and barriers for successful implementation and sustainability.
  • Sustainability of implemented best practices and introduction of mechanisms for further implementation and transferability of best practices within member states and health systems.
  • Establishment of European Observatory of Primary Care.

Project Duration: 1. 2. 2023 – 31. 1. 2026.

Supporting Organisation: SERVICIO ANDALUZ DE SALUD, Spain.

Project partners: 49 partners from 14 EU member states.

Funding: The total value of the project is €9,736,139.24, the value of the project for NIJZ is €649,602.35. European Commission, EU4Health Program (EU4H) Grant Agreement No. 101082572. Co-funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia.

Photos from events:

Kick-off meeting, 6th of July – 7th of July 2023

fotografija udeležencev na uvodnem sestanku projekta

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