Schools for Health in Europe for Healthy and Active Aging

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Vesna Pucelj NIJZ

“The project will try to develop materials, tools and approaches to promote health for the school environment, which will help schools to strengthen the health support environment for schoolchildren, employees and others”.

Vesna Pucelj, Project Manager at NIJZ

Project website:

Project Description

In January 2021, the European Commission published a Green Paper on Ageing entitled Fostering Solidarity and Responsibility between Generations with a view to launching European policy debates on how to anticipate and find common solutions and new approaches to respond to the challenges Europe is facing in relation to demographic change and to achieve the strategic objective of increasing healthy life years in the European population. In response to the post-Covid crisis, the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan has also emerged, where inequalities and decent living are key priority principles, together with health promotion and care provision for all. In the context of these principles, it is stated that it is important to invest in children and early interventions that can have an impact on reducing inequalities. Healthy childhood in general shapes our future prospects, state of health and well-being. Finally, the Green Paper on Ageing highlights two main European policy frameworks that can be used to achieve a good ageing of European society, namely healthy and active ageing and lifelong learning. Both approaches are most effective when implemented in early childhood, as they are important and essential for the entire life cycle.

On the basis of these initiatives, the Schools for Health in Europe Foundation, together with national coordinators from Denmark, Iceland, France, Portugal and Slovenia, developed the SHE4AHA project.

Added Value

The aim of the project is to develop materials and approaches for training schools on how to become a health-promoting school. Materials and approaches are tested in all participating schools through various activities and programmes at schools.

Key findings, recommendations and examples of good practice will be compiled in a catalogue and recommendations that can be used at European and national level to promote the introduction of an approach by schools promoting health as recognised and evidence-based solutions to promote active and healthy ageing from an early age.

Five SHE Member States participate in the SHE4AHA project, namely Denmark, Iceland, France, Portugal and Slovenia.

In each country, cooperation has been established with at least three pilot schools trained by SHE4AHA partners, all SHE coordinators.

The following Healthy Schools participate in Slovenia:

•  Bistrica ob Sotli Primary School

•  Tone Tomšič Knežak Primary School

•  Dutovlje Primary School

The basis for the training is a shorter version of the SHE (longer version) developed by partners. This short version was developed with the main aim of making the approach of health-promoting schools more accessible to school leaders and teachers.

On the basis of this manual, training sessions were developed in each participating country. The topics of the training were, for example: introduction to health promotion and the approach of schools promoting health (including values and pillars), health determinants and (in)equality in health, social inclusion and the importance of positive relationships, management of pilot projects, implementation and monitoring of activities.

Expected Results and Materials

Based on experience in the implementation of health promotion in the school environment and evidence of the impact of its implementation, learning materials and recommendations will be developed for the implementation of health promotion in schools across Europe (for those who want to become a health-promoting school, as well as for those who already are, but want to improve the conditions further).

For Slovenia (NIJZ, participating schools), this is an opportunity to participate directly with their experience and knowledge in the development of approaches that promote a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren. The project also strengthens the role and importance of the Slovenian network of healthy schools.

Project Duration: 28 February 2022–27 May 2025

Supporting Organisation: She Network FoundationSouth in Denmark European Office

Project Partners:

•  Ministry of Health Iceland, Division of Public Health

•  Lyon University, Department of Educational Science

•  Minho University, Research Center of Child Studies

•  National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)

Funding: ERASMUS+

Photo of the Meeting:

fotografija udeležencev prvega srečanja v okviru projekta she4aha v bruslju

First project meeting, Brussels, 3.5.-5. 5. 2022

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