Physical activity-related injuries prevention in adolescents

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Mateja Rok Simon

“Physical activity works favorably on health and well-being, but it is not without harmful effects. Participation in sports activities is a common cause of injury to adolescents in many developed countries. Fortunately, most of these injuries can be prevented by following the recommended preventive measures.

Dr. Mateja Rok Simon, Project Manager at NIJZ

Project Title: PARIPRE – Physical activity-related injuries prevention in adolescents

Project Description

One of the main objectives of the project is to collect data on the prevalence of physical activity-related injuries and related risk factors among adolescents in five European countries: Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Finland and Czechia, for which we will use the international study titled Health Behaviour and School-Aged Children (HBSC) to be implemented in 2022. Although the current HBSC questionnaire contains questions on the circumstances of the occurrence of the injury, these questions are not mandatory. The questionnaire will therefore be supplemented with additional questions on physical exercise injuries in sports clubs, leisure and school, incapacitation due to injuries, the type of sport where the injury occurred, and other factors that will be identified in a systematic survey. The project will produce systematic surveys of research on risk factors for sports injuries and interventions in this field, as well as a cross-sectional survey. An epidemiological report on exercise-related injuries, an intervention study report and recommendations for the prevention of sports injuries in adolescents will be published.

Added Value

We will expand our knowledge of physical activity-related injuries to adolescents and effective interventions to prevent them.

We will obtain internationally comparable data on physical activity-related injuries in sports clubs, leisure and school.

We will strengthen the competencies of the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ).

Expected Results and Materials

The PARIPRE workshop will be organised within the framework of the 11st International Scientific and Expert Conference titled Child in Motion in Portorož, which will be dedicated to presenting the project, objectives, partial results of systematic research reviews and expert discussion of all stakeholders on the topic of PARI in adolescents. Additional survey questions on sports injuries and an HBSC cross-sectional survey will be prepared.

The international project meeting in Olomouc, Czechia, will be dedicated to the joint preparation of a report for five countries on sports injuries and a report on the results of the intervention research. Draft scientific papers for publication and recommendations for prevention of injuries related to physical activity of adolescents will be prepared.

The PARIPRE workshop in Presov, Slovakia will be dedicated to presenting the results of the project and the products: National reports for five countries on physical activity-related injuries of adolescents, Recommendations for the prevention of physical activity-related injuries of adolescents and Intervention Survey Reports to prevent physical activity-related injuries of adolescents. A moderated discussion will be held on physical activity-related injuries in adolescents and their prevention, involving researchers, teachers and trainers, health professionals, policy makers, etc.

Project Duration: 1 January 2021–31 December 2023

Supporting Organisation: University of Presov, Slovakia

Project Partner: National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)

Funding: Erasmus+

Workshop and Working meeting photos

Online kick-off meeting, 29 January 2021

Online kick-off meeting, 29 January 2021

Paripre Workshop in the framework of the 11st International Scientific and Expert Conference Children in Motion, 6 October 2021, Portorož, Slovenia

Paripre Workshop in the framework of the 11st International Scientific and Expert Conference Children in Motion, 6 October 2021, Portorož, Slovenia

PARIPRE Workshop, 17–19 January 2023, Olomouc, Czechia

PARIPRE Workshop, 17–19 January 2023, Olomouc, Czechia

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