European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals

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“PARC is a project supporting EU and national risk assessment, risk management and chemical risk communication by providing new data, knowledge, methods, networks and skills to address existing and emerging chemical safety challenges. It will stimulate the transition to the next generation of risk assessments to better protect human health and the environment, in line with the Green Deal.”

Lucija Perharič, Coordinator of the National Hub and Project Manager at NIJZ

Official Website:

Social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn

Project Description

The project brings together 200 partner organisations from 28 European countries and numerous experts from around the world. The main purpose of the project is to promote innovation in the process of risk assessment of chemicals that will contribute to the sustainable use and management of chemicals for a safe environment and human health:

•  Strengthening scientific bases for chemical risk assessment in the EU, pooling risk assessors and risk managers with scientists to accelerate the development of methods and tools for the next generation of knowledge and information;

•  Enabling the transition to the next evidence-based generation of risk assessment. 14 Slovenian health, research and administrative institutions and three external stakeholders working in the field of chemical risk analysis joined the participating European institutions in the project. Risk analysis is a combination of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. At national level, coordination will take place within the National PARC Hub.

Added Value

PARC is a European project bringing together all relevant actors in the field of chemical risk assessment. A permanent interdisciplinary network is expected to be set up at EU level to identify and prioritise needs and provide conceptual, scientific and technical progress for the transition to the next generation of chemical risk assessments, strengthen existing research and innovation capabilities and create new transdiscplinary platforms.

Expected Results and Materials

The materials and results of the project are available at

Project Duration: 1 May 2022–30 April 2029

Supporting Organisation: French Agency for Food, Environment and Occupational Safety and Health (ANSES)

Project Partners: 37 partners, including National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)

Funding: PARC is a European project co-financed by the European Union (EU) under Horizon Europe 2021 (Horizon Europe 2021). The budget of the project is EUR 400 million. PARC is financed 50% from European and 50% from own resources. In the case of NIJZ own funds are part of the financing of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia (National Programme).

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Communicable diseases

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Project activities

