Joint Action on Strengthening cooperation between interested Member States and the Commission in the area of tobacco control

Do not miss
Helena Koprivnikar

“An increasing number of countries have improved their engagement in the fight to control tobacco and prevent the consequences associated with tobacco use. The JATC2 project strengthens cooperation between countries and supports unified action at the level of the European Union, which is key to moving towards a tobacco-free society.”

Helena Koprivnikar, Project Manager at NIJZ

Project Website: https://jaotc.eu/

Project Social Networks

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jatobaccocontrol2

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jatc2_/

Project Description

The JATC 2 project aims to support the implementation of the Tobacco Directive (Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products) and the Advertising Directive (Directive 2003/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products).

The objectives of the project are to identify and develop good practices of strategies for ending the tobacco epidemic and for tobacco-free environments; promote activities consistent with the objectives of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; identify and evaluate the current legislation concerning, but not limited to, tobacco advertising and the advertising of novel tobacco and nicotine-containing products; ensure greater consistency in the implementation of the Tobacco Directive to ensure a fair internal market for tobacco and related products, in particular as regards controls and enforcement; facilitate the exchange of best practices between EU Member States to improve the implementation of the Tobacco Directive and related implementing and delegated acts in a number of areas of tobacco product regulation and e-cigarettes, including laboratory capacity, analyses and assessments; support dissemination of information to target groups and integrate JATC 2 results into national policies.

The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) participates in two work packages (WP) of the project:

•  WP 8: Activities to outline and disseminate good practices to address the upcoming challenges for tobacco-free environments in Europe (Article 8 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control);

•  WP 9: Activities to assess the potential of advanced tobacco control policies and strategies to end the tobacco epidemic in Europe, exchange good practices, develop a plan to end the EU tobacco epidemic and support the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control at EU level.

Added value

Increasing its own capacities in the field of tobacco control, achieving the objectives of the Slovenian no tobacco strategy and increasing knowledge and capacities for strategies to end the tobacco epidemic.

Networking with and support from participating Member States and support for more effective tobacco control policies at EU level.

Advocacy of effective measures to reduce the prevalence and consequences of tobacco and related products, communication with different publics.

Expected Results and Materials

Each JATC2 work package has specific tasks and products. The key expected outcomes and materials of the JATC2 project are a more user-friendly interface of the EU-CEG database, which will increase the usefulness of the database for EU regulators; a sustainability plan for the exchange of data from the EU-CEG database, making valuable data available to the general public, in particular to researchers; a harmonised approach to market surveillance and enforcement of the Mobility Directive, which will strengthen consumer protection and ensure a fair internal market; a recommendation to update the current rules on tobacco advertising to reduce exposure to unwanted commercial activities; a harmonised approach to creating smoke-free environments that will reduce exposure to tobacco smoke; a forward-looking strategy towards the ultimate tobacco target, enabling a smoke-free generation and reducing the number of tobacco-related diseases and deaths. Key groups of the project that deliver results and materials are political decision-makers, EU regulators, researchers and the general public. All the already prepared project results and materials are available on the official website of the project https://jaotc.eu/useful-material-jatc-2/.

Project Duration: 1 October 2021–30 September 2024

Supporting Organisation: Danish Safety Technology Authority (SIK), Esbjerg Brygge 30, DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark

Project Partners and Participating Organisations:

•  National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), Slovenia

•  Ministry of Health, Denmark

•  Croatian Institute of Public Health (HIJZ)

•  Ministry of Health, Portugal

•  Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, Belgium

•  Sciensano, Belgium

•  The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES)

•   The National Public Health Agency (SPF), France

•   The French National Cancer Institute (INCA)

•  Ministry of Health, France

•  Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), Italy

•  Institute for the Study and Prevention of Cancer (ISPRO), Italy

•  Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Italy

•  Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC)

•  University of Cyprus

•  Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

•  Health Service Executive, Ireland

•  Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD)

•  Norwegian Medicines Agency

•  Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)

•  Norwegian Directorate of Public Health

•  Public Health Agency of Sweden (FOHM)

•  National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) The Netherlands

•  Health Board, Estonia

•  Hellenic National Public Health Organisation of Greece (NPHO)

•  The National Korányi Institute of Pulmonology, Hungary

•  Institute of Public Health of Serbia Dr Milan Jovanović Batut

•  The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES)

•  Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Austria

•  German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

•  Catalan Institute of Oncology, Spain

•  Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Spain

•  Foundation for Health Training and Research of the Region of Murcia, Spain

•  Ministry of Health of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, Spain

•  Barcelona International University of Catalonia (UIC), Spain

•  National Prevention Tobacco Committee, Spain

•  Bask Navarra Society for the Prevention of Smoking, Spain

•  Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department, Lithuania

Funding: JATC2 is co-financed by the European Union Health Programme under grant agreement No 101035968/JA-01-2020.

Photos of Meetings:

sestanek partnerjev v DP 8_ marec 2022

Partners meeting in AL 8 March 2022

Project material within the framework of work packages in which NIJZ participates:

Weight of Evidence paper for the evidence supporting the expansion of Smoke and Aerosol Free Environments (SAFE) in the EU: Assessment of barriers, opportunities and best practices for SAFE. Available at the folowing link.

Position paper on best practices for second-hand smoke (SHS) & second-hand aerosol (SHA) protection and evidence supporting the expansion of Smoke- and Aerosol-Free Environments (SAFE). Available at the folowing link.

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