National Contact Point for eHealth II
National Contact Point for eHealth II
Official website:
Project Description:
The establishment of the National Contact Point for eHealth (SiNCP – Slovenian National Contact Point for eHealth) is a key element for enabling the secure exchange of health data with other EU Member States.
The SiNCP II project builds on the results of the SiNCP project, within which the necessary IT infrastructure and software components were established and the relevant know-how was acquired to align national eHealth standards and solutions with the technical and content standards of the European Health Data Space (EHDS).
With its active participation in the MyHealth@EU initiative, Slovenia gains a valuable insight into strategies and practices used by other countries in the field of eHealth. It successfully presents its achievements in the field and contributes to establishing and implementing the relevant eHealth standards and technologies in Slovenia and the EU.
Slovenia is actively establishing the system of simple, efficient and secure cross-border exchange of patient health documentation among EU Member States. This will contribute to a better provision of medical care of both, Slovenian citizens travelling abroad as well as citizens of other EU countries travelling to Slovenia. In addition to supporting and maintain the exchange of Patient Summaries and ePrescriptions, the SiNCP II project will also support the exchange of patients’ original clinical documentation. The maintenance and expansion of NCPeH services also helps prepare Slovenia for the upcoming EHDS regulation.
Areas of Project Implementation:
Added Value
Expected Results and Material:
The project key result will be an established exchange of patients’ health documentation with other EU countries. During the implementation of the project, we shall expand the list of EU countries with which the exchange will take place as well as the range of services and types of health documentation that will be subject to cross-border exchange.
General information about the use of cross-border exchange services is also available on the following MyHealth@EU pages:
Information for patients and health professionals:
Frequently asked questions:
Questions and answers on the reimbursement of cross-border healthcare costs in the EU:
Project Duration: 1st of January 2024 – 31th of March 2027.
Supporting Organisation: NIJZ (National Institute of Public Health)
Project partners: NIJZ (National Institute of Public Health)
Funding: Funding: This project is co-funded by the European Union under the EU4Health programme as part of the cooperation agreement no. 101128957.
Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the funding body can be held responsible for them.