Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies
Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies
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Project Description:
ECHoS is an European project, funded by Horizon Europe Programme, that aims to support the implementation of the Cancer Mission activities in all Member States and Associated Country (MS/AC) through the establishment and development of National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMHs) operating at national, regional, and local levels. These will integrate a future EU Network of NCMHs, in a cohesive manner, aligned with the Cancer Mission and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP). It will engage with stakeholders across the entire cancer landscape, from individual citizens to European Institutions, as well as national authorities, regulators, industry, patient organisations, and academia. By establishing NCMHs in each MS/AC, European citizens and organisations in health, research, and beyond, will be voiced and their voices will echo together.
The goal of the mission on cancer is to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030, through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better. The objectives include: Understand; Prevent what is preventable; Optimise diagnostics and treatment; Support quality of life; Ensure equitable access in all aforementioned areas. The Mission on Cancer will address all cancers including poorly understood cancers [include refractory cancers or cancer subtypes, at any stage of the disease in any age group and part of society with a 5-year overall survival that is less than 50% from time of diagnosis]. in men and women, cancers in children, adolescents/young adults and the elderly, cancers in socio-economically vulnerable people, living in either cities, rural or remote areas, across all MS/AC.
ECHoS broad scope seeks to take cancer-policy dialogues beyond research and innovation, and health systems, covering also other relevant areas in cancer control and support, such as employment, education, and socioeconomic aspects. To guarantee alignment and progress in the field of cancer, ECHoS will be guided by impacting subareas of Cancer Mission – namely prevention, early detection and treatment, quality of Life and survivorship – as well as equity, sustainability, and cross-cutting EU priorities such as social engagement and digital health.
Phases of the project and their implementation:
The work is conducted in 6 work packages (WP).
WP 1 – Project Governance and Implementation
WP 2 – National Cancer Mission Hubs: Design, Creation and Knowledge Exchange
WP 3 – Multi-stakeholder Identification, Engagement, and Cooperation
WP 4 – Synergies: bridges to Missions and other European initiatives
WP 5 – Future EU network of Cancer Mission Hubs – Design Study
WP 6 – Communication, Dissemination, Citizens’ Engagement & Participation
Added Value
Setting the foundations for a future EU Network of Cancer Mission Hubs:
Map hub-like structures, identifying common traits and unique features, strengths and needs, as well as encouraging knowledge exchange. This will lead to conceptual models of NCMHs acting at national, regional, and local levels, including minimal requirements and guidelines for operation.
Developing prototype impact models for the Cancer Mission subareas (prevention, early detection and treatment, quality of life and survivorship) to be adapted and implemented by NCMHs. Stimulate the systemic engagement of NCMHs with relevant stakeholder groups, activating bottom-up contributions through expanded stakeholders and citizen engagement activities, and provide tools for effective citizen engagement and participation and to assess NCMH level of maturity regarding citizen engagement.
Create a Liaison Committee for high-level representation of the ECHoS project enabling effective policy dialogues and synergies with EU structures. Create opportunities for collaborative research, joint policy dialogues and joint events with EU and national initiatives.
Prepare for the sustainability of the future NCMHs Network by formulating recommendations on governance, business models, legal status, and strategic positioning. Additionally, ensure effective communication of Cancer Mission objectives across the cancer ecosystem and society beyond health and research communities.
Expected Results and Material:
ECHoS will produce:
– General models and guidelines for establishing sustainable NCMHs,
– Programs for the exchange of knowledge to support the development of the competences of NCMHs,
– Influence models and training sets to effectively help the cooperation of different stakeholders,
– A set of tools for synergies to help NCMHs in cooperation with individual European initiatives,
– A business continuity model that foresees the long-term sustainability of the EU network of NCMHs,
– A calendar of events to raise awareness of NCMHs and help fill the gap in citizen engagement in cancer policies.
By promoting the establishment of NCMHs in MS/AC, ECHoS will create the conditions for the participation of organized stakeholders and individual citizens in policy dialogues.
Project Duration: 1st of April 2023 – 31th of March 2026.
Supporting Organisation: Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB), Porto, Portugal.
Project partners: Committed to achieving its goals, ECHoS consortium gathers 57 organisations distributed across 28 countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Türkiye) covering the entire cancer ecosystem. Partner organisations in the consortium include Public Health Organisations, Ministries of Science, Ministries of Health, National Funding Agencies, Innovation Centres, Universities, Cancer Centres. Associations, and other organisations from both the public and private sectors.
Funding: ECHoS project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101104587.
Photos from event: The Kick-off Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal 2nd to 4th of May 2023 (available at )