The European Union Drugs Agency

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Project Description

The Slovenian National Institute for Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia (NIJZ) houses the Slovenian central point of the EU Drug Agency, which is the meeting point for information and activities of national stakeholders in the field of illegal drugs and is authorized to receive data from all national authorities.

The Slovenian focal point of the EU Drugs Agency is part of the European information network on drugs and drug addiction, which operates at the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA). EUDA is the central authority for illicit drugs in the European Union. Based in Lisbon, the agency (formerly known as the EMCDDA) contributes to EU drug preparedness through actions that anticipate and warn of threats, while responding to emerging problems and learning from best practices in the field, and evaluating the effectiveness of relevant interventions.

In the EUDA project, we regularly monitor the situation in the field of risky behaviors related to the use of illegal drugs, identify key problems, raise awareness, inform and educate various publics, and propose the necessary measures and defend them professionally. We therefore provide comprehensive monitoring of the public health problem of illicit drug use in Slovenia.

At the same time, data in all EU member states is collected according to a uniform methodology, which is why we can use this data to compare with other EU member states.

The data serve to plan activities in the field of prevention and reduction of harm due to the use of illicit drugs, for more informed policies and actions in the field of drugs, whereby each national focal point strives to contribute to a healthier and safe own country

Added Value

The purpose of the task is to provide comparable, verified epidemiological data in the field of drugs for the professional public and decision-makers in Slovenia, as well as to provide relevant standardized data for the EU Drug Agency (EUDA).

Data in the field of illicit drugs serve to plan activities for more informed policies and measures in the field of drugs, whereby the Slovenian National Information Unit (the Slovenian central point of the EU Drug Agency) strives to analyze and provide information with the help of the data it collects, contributes to a healthier and safer own country.

The national contact point is located at the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia (NIJZ) and is the center of information about drugs in the country, as well as the hub of all national stakeholders in the field of illicit drugs.

Expected Results and Material

  • Publication of the National Report of the Republic of Slovenia on the situation in the field of illegal drugs in English for EUDA
  • Publication of the National Report of the Republic of Slovenia in Slovenian. language
  • Regular monitoring of key indicators according to the EMCDDA methodology
  • Implementation of the National Survey on Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs (ATADD)
  • Implementation of the European Online Survey on Drug Use (EWSD 2024)
  • Implementation of the DRID cross-sectional survey on infections among users treated in the CPZOPD in a given year
  • Monitoring of wastewater epidemiology
  • Coordination of the EWS system – Early warning system for the emergence of new psychoactive substances (NPS)


Project Duration: 1st of January 2024 – 31th of December 2024.

Supporting Organisation: EUDA

Project partners: National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)

Funding: EUDA

For better public health
Communicable diseases

Yellow fever

Illicit drugs

I have problems with the use of illicit drugs. Where to get help?


Project activities

